Michal Ofer

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Food Freedom Edition 63


You may have had the best of intentions with your eating goals over the holidays but those may have gone awry and you went a little overboard. This could leave you feeling not so good about yourself or your body.

It happens...

The key here is to have compassion.

There are a few principles I like to get my clients to focus on post over indulgence. Taking a few simple action steps to realign and get back to you and in your body to stay committed to your goals will do wonders to turning your mindset around right away!

1.     Connection

It is important to stay connected to your body always, even when you are not feeling your best and may not be thrilled with the you that see reflected in the mirror. Connection is about being in relationship with yourself. When you are in true, deep love with you and know that you are the priority, the master, the queen in your life, one (or even a few) day of eating will not keep you from your goals or derail you. The time to re-connect and re-commit to yourself is immediately, now!

Try placing one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your nose for 5 very deep breathes. Repeat to yourself, ‘I am whole complete and perfect just as I am’.

2.       Compassion

Really being done with dieting, embracing your body, loving it and loving you, mean you are on a lifelong journey, an age old relationship with yourself. Each day you will be challenged to see everything as a lesson to bring you to your highest good. How can you see your choices and decisions as lessons and blessings to learn from instead of those to cause you regret, frustration or sadness? Learn to flip the switch to positive over negative with some emotional mastery actions. Keep a journal and write down the lessons you learn from your choices and actions each day. Reframe them and teach yourself to see them as gifts to learn from. Practice gratitude and thank the Universe for guiding you to your goals.

3.       Consistency

It is now time to get back to what is important - you. The holiday season is truly just a few days and post indulgence is the time to hop back on the ‘YOU’ train! Get out there and move your body, eat in alignment with what feels good and energizes you, make choices from this point forward that are aligned with your chosen lifestyle mentality. The holiday is over, let is end yesterday. Go to bed proud tonight!

Set a clear intention now to stay consistent with what feels good and repeat that tonight so you end the day proud. Begin tomorrow with the same committed intention. Check in all day long with this intention each day you have made this choice..

4.       Commitment

Daily commitment to your goals is needed, especially in the beginning to ensure you are aligned with what you truly want and not just doing what your mind wants. Re-commit to your goals, to yourself, your body, to the life you want to lead. Remind yourself that this is what you are choosing for your life, it is a lifestyle, not a fly-by-night, quick fix diet solution to your health.

Remind yourself that this life is yours, it belongs to you! It is up to you to ensure your commitments are the things you want to do for the rest of your life. The way you eat, move, think and feel need to be aligned with you and what you really want to feel day in and day out. If not, take this time to get clear now on what that is and commit. You want your vision for you to feel juicy. You want to be excited for the future and what is to come and not to feel exhausted by it or that it seems too far out of your reach

By reconnecting and recommitting to you, your body, your life and your goals with compassion and connection are the keys to overcoming the feelings that may surface after some over-indulging (planned or otherwise). Consistency in practicing and doing these steps will get easier each time you try and ensure your dreams and ultimate wellness are not derailed.