Food Freedom Friday Edition 216 - Your Keto Holidays

When you were a child, the holiday season might have felt magical—truly like ‘the most wonderful time of the year.’

But now, as an adult? Probably not so much.

Has your ‘most wonderful’ season turned into the most worrisome?

If it has, you’re in good company.

In addition to the strain of never-ending social obligations, you are constantly bombarded with a barrage of tempting, not-so-healthy foods that always find their way to right under your nose.

Is it any wonder you end the season sick, miserable, fatter and totally exhausted?

It doesn’t have to be this way! Taking good care of yourself doesn’t have to wait until after New Year’s.

The holidays season is often all about excessive consumption, but that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. In fact, the holidays can be the perfect time to revaluate your attitude and check in with your brilliantly Keto-self. Look back on all the incredible progress you’ve made this year, and learn to celebrate your accomplishments.

Here are my top suggestions to help you get through the season without regret or the need to spend all of January filled with unnecessary guilt and regret and fighting to regain your composure.

Set Clear Goals

The best way to stay on your Keto diet is to create clear goals; your Keto is not my Keto is not someone else’s Keto. The rules you create should be based on your goals, which will determine your actions. If you are looking to lose fat, your goals are going to be different from someone maintaining or gaining. There is no wrong or best goal but your goal.

One of the tricks to keeping things in control over the holiday season is to find a balance between ignoring your weight and obsessing over it. For most people, the best approach is to hop on a scale just a couple times a week. That’ll help you keep weight concerns in mind, but not constantly on your mind.

Mindset is Everything

Begin with setting a new intention for the season. Instead of seeing this as the season to endlessly indulge, think of it as a chance to be extra mindful. Use this time to slow down and eat consciously. Truly taste and appreciate your food rather than eating out of stress or just because it’s there.  

Embrace the fact that you are Keto, but there is no need to push your views or proclaim your truth as absolute to everyone

Technology is Your Friend

There are dozens of useful Apps you can download that will tell you what exactly is in food; therefore, if you see a tray of delicious looking cheese making the rounds, don’t feel bad for trying a new brand. The trick to maintaining your keto goals over this festive period is to know what you’re saying yes to, by making smart and well-informed choices. I often recommend MyFitnessPal, as it is free, has a meal tracker and a verified pantry list of foods.

Wake With a Workout

Working out in the morning does a number of good things. It ensures you get your exercise in before the day derails your best intentions. It kick starts your metabolism for hours to come. And it makes you less likely to choose unhealthy foods later. These things are important any time and even more important this time of year.

Plan To Fail

To that effect, plan to fail; but what does this mean? When you plan to fail, you set a bar so high that even if you do not reach your goal, you still come in above your expectations. It’s the ultimate win-win and is easy to do. For example, if you know you find dessert hard to resist, make up a delicious Keto cheesecake and bring it to the party. Now you can literally have your cake and eat it too!

Avoid Food Debates

It’s tempting to try to convert people to the ‘better’ side, but understanding that not everyone is ready is a big step in staying on-track and happy over the holidays. Your cousin might not understand why you choose to eat bacon for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and nor does he want to. The important thing is you’re taking steps to create your best self, and who knows, maybe you will end up impacting someone simply by the example you are setting. 

You Set Your Rules

One of the difficult aspects of maintaining ketosis is cheating and its aftermath. This happens when you bend the rules and eat something you know you will regret, followed by beating yourself to an emotional pulp for hours, days, or weeks after. Stop. Please stop. You make the rules, and you can change the rules. One round of fries is not the end. No, this is not an invitation to eat whatever is in arm’s reach, but if it stops you from flogging your conscious, it will help you get on track faster.

Remember that the holidays are challenging for everyone. From hosting to traveling, everyone makes their own personal sacrifices. If that means choking down your mom’s stodgy, unseasoned meatloaf, do so with a smile in the knowledge this could be anyone’s last year. One small sacrifice here and there is not a big deal in the grander picture, and, when in doubt, do not sign up to visit at mealtimes. 

Always Say 'Thank You'   

People are going to offer you all types of treats and indulgences – it’s part of the holidays. The best thing to do at a party or function is to say thank you, accept, and keep talking. Chances are, Aunt Mary won’t even notice you don’t eat her triple fudge candy but say no, and you might upset the apple cart. If you need a backup, repeat this phrase, “Awesome, thank you,” take one and smile.

Be Mindful Of your Drinking

For many people, drinking over the holidays is just as big an issue as eating. Limit your intake of alcohol. Choose drinks that are gluten free (these days, it’s not hard to get gluten free beers, hard cider, vodka, tequila, and rum). And avoid sweetened drinks that are full of sugar. Say no to soft drinks, and take only a sip of eggnog (if you love it).

Plan Activities Away From The Dinner Table Or Couch

Recognize that not every holiday activity has to center around food. Look for other ways to celebrate and connect. Schedule activities that involve singing together, decorating, or other creative endeavors you can enjoy sharing.

Rather than waiting to be invited to an event, where you get anxious about what’s on offer, make plans yourself. Invite friends and family to take a trip, go see a show, or just walk around your local town; the holidays have tons of free events, and everyone feels happier with exercise.

During this season, it’s especially helpful to take time to meditate, do yoga, or practice other stress reduction techniques. When it comes to social events, this will make you a better guest and a better host. And when it comes to eating, you’ll find it’s much easier to resist all those treats if you’re centered and not resorting to stress eating or relying solely on food to make you feel full.

Let Leftovers Leave

If you entertain, don’t keep all those tempting, decadent leftovers in your home after the guests leave.  Instead, have Tupperware containers ready, and encourage your guests to take leftovers. (On the flip side, if you’re the guest, don’t take leftovers that you know you won’t be able to resist and will regret eating later.)

Know When to Go

Should I have seconds? That’s a question this season forces you to confront again and again. One voice in your head tells you you’ve had enough. But another says, “Mmmm…delicious…let’s keep going!” What do you do? A great strategy is to wait 20 minutes before deciding. That’s how long your brain needs to receive the message from your stomach that it’s full. Then you can at least make an informed decision rather than an impulsive one.

When you’ve finished eating a scrumptious meal, it’s time to get up from the table. Instead of sitting around talking until you suddenly find yourself eating more, go take a walk. And invite your fellow diners to join you. You can continue socializing while burning off some of what you consumed. You’ll all feel better.

The holidays are a time of giving thanks and embracing a life of gratitude. Diets and food can trigger anxieties in our friends and family too; but love and compassion, and a (keto) cookie won’t ever let you down.

Remember, this season is a once a year celebration. Your Keto lifestyle is exactly that – your lifestyle!  If taking a few weeks off helps you to enjoy the festivities, then go for it. If you choose to go to the gym or exercise twice as much to balance all your carb-eating and gym-abandoning, go for it, and if you are a Keto warrior, then that works too. No one is going to judge you for trying your best and living life on your terms. And if all fails, start over and beat your personal best. 


Michal Ofer