Food Freedom Friday Edition 221 - Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are a big part of the modern diet doctrine because they are calorie-free.

This is a controversial topic among health professionals and consumers, and we know that I am no stranger to controversy. I feel very strongly about this issue and today I want to delve into it and explain some of the reasons why I don't consume artificial sweeteners, why they keep you sick, old and fat, and why I don't believe they can be part of a healthy diet.

What Are Artificial Sweeteners?

Artificial sweeteners are synthetic chemicals designed to help us lose weight, reduce sugar consumption and manage blood sugar levels. They include:

·       Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal)

·       Sucralose (Splenda)

·       Acesulfame K (Sunette, Sweet One)

·       Saccharin (Sweet 'N Low, Sweet Twin)

·       Sugar alcohols (Xylitol, Sorbitol, Mannitol, Isomalt)

The reason these sweeteners are intended for health purposes is because they are anywhere from 200 to 400 times sweeter than sugar, which means a very small amount is needed to add sweetness, they have zero calories and it was thought they had little to no affect blood sugar levels.

However, their safety is questionable, despite the fact that they are approved by governments. Consuming a small amount may seem harmless, but what if you put it in your coffee, chew gum, brush your teeth with conventional toothpaste, have a diet soda, or eat cookies, candies or cereals? Collectively, that be a lot!

Dietary Sources of Artificial Sweeteners

·       Diet sodas and other low-calorie beverages

·       Condiments (ketchup, salad dressing, etc.)

·       Low-fat yogurt and other dairy

·       Chewable vitamins

·       Toothpaste

·       Breads and crackers

·       Cookies, cakes and other pastries

·       Juice

·       Cereal, granola and granola bars

·       Most products that touted as low-fat, low-calorie and sugar-free

In a nutshell, artificial sweeteners are used in packaged, processed and convenience products and they don't support our health.

Artificial Sweeteners – The Impact Your Health

Artificial sweeteners are not food. They are completely synthetic. Any 'food-like' substance or chemical that you put into your body that is not from nature increases the toxic load you carry. Any chemical that makes its home in the cells of our body and hangs out for a while has the potential to damage your DNA. When the DNA of your cells is compromised and you continue to consume disease-building processed foods, you become depleted and unable to reverse the damage. If your daily activities including your food, your stress, your activity levels, your digestion and your sleep are not working to repair damaged cells, do not improve the integrity of your cell membranes nor the efficiency of your elimination pathways (poop, skin, liver, kidneys, lungs) you are on the fast track to aging and building disease.

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Weight Gain & Obesity

As I mentioned earlier, many doctors and members of the public consider artificial sweeteners a calorie-free option and believe that including them in your foods will support weight loss and prevent obesity. Unfortunately, the opposite has happened. Studies have concluded that artificial sweeteners are actually linked to an increased risk of weight gain, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome and aging skin.

You may be wondering why these food imposters lead to weight gain if they have no calories.

It isn't about what’s on the nutrition label, but what's actually in a food that matters. Your brain is confused by chemical sweeteners, which are sweet on the tongue but don't provide the same level of reward that non-chemical sweeteners do, such as sucrose and glucose.

Essentially, what this means is when you have a sweet taste, your brain and body expect the calories to come. When they don't, you keep looking for them. With artificial sweeteners, you may momentarily satisfy a sweet craving without spiking your blood sugar, but as a result of this fake out, you may find another craving not too long after as your body was all geared up for a little calorie action from actual food.

Diabetes & Blood Sugar

Proponents of artificial sweeteners claim that they are perfect for diabetics because they don't impact blood sugar levels. But just like the weight loss claim, this is another 'benefit' that has proven false.

Cancer & Tumors

There is a body of research, mostly conducted on animals, that indicate artificial sweeteners are linked to tumor growth and cancer development.

Studies in animal models may not mean that the exact same results will happen to us, but they do point to a very real risk and it's enough that some scientists and organizations have raised the alarm about the potential cancer risks in humans.

The Gut Microbiome

The bacteria in your digestive tract is essential o your health, inside and out. A healthy balance of gut flora not only impacts the obvious - digestion - but also your immunity (70% of our immune system is located in the gut) and your mood (our digestive tract makes 95% of our serotonin, one of the brain's feel-good chemicals).

Evidence points to the fact that artificial sweeteners may alter the gut microbiota and be the cause of some digestive distress and symptoms.

Other evidence points to the microbiome and that disrupting the microbiome can lead to metabolic issues like impaired glucose tolerance.

Dental Care

Artificial sweeteners are used in conventional and natural toothpastes to make them taste better without causing damage to our teeth. One could make the argument that xylitol, a sugar alcohol often found in toothpaste and chewing gum, isn't carcinogenic and can help prevent cavities (though xylitol can cause diarrhea in large amounts). Although artificial sweeteners are less likely to cause cavities than sucrose, they still have the potential to demineralize enamel and disrupt the metabolism of bacteria.

Also, dental health isn't just about what comes directly in contact with your teeth or what you use to brush them

Other Health Risks

There is an extensive array of ways that artificial sweeteners may impact our health. Investigations show they can also:

·       Cause neurotoxicity and neurological symptoms

·       Lead to kidney decline

·       Trigger migraines

·       Cause DNA damage

·        Accelerate aging

·       Damage the liver

·       Affect our ability to learn and emotional function

Companies don't add artificial sweeteners to real foods – meats and produce. They are adding it to processed foods, mainly sweet drinks, snacks and desserts, to supposedly help you lose weight or manage diabetes.

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Ever considered reducing total sugar and ‘sweet-stuff’ consumption?

What about focusing on whole food diets that are rich in protein, fat and fibre, which will boost satiety and help manage blood sugar?

What about exercise?

Trying to solve someone's addiction to chocolate cake by giving them artificially-sweetened chocolate cake doesn't get to the root of the problem.

Alternatives to Artificial Sweeteners

Now, you don’t have to give up the sweet life entirely. Try   the following in moderate amounts:

Stevia: This plant is actually much, much sweeter than sugar, so you only need to use a small amount of it. Aim to purchase green powdered stevia, as that is the plant that's been dried and ground. Clear stevia extract has gone through much more processing and is further removed from the whole food.

Xylitol: This sweetener is from the family of sugar alcohols, which are growing in popularity. Xylitol is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, but it's often extracted from birch wood.. In large amounts, it can cause bloating and diarrhea - and it's toxic for your pooches.

Monk Fruit: This is a very low-glycemic option that is made from monk fruit. In the powdered form, it's 150 times sweeter than sugar so you certainly don't need to use a lot of it.

Erythritol: This is another sugar alcohol and like xylitol, erythritol can help prevent cavities. Don't consume too much, as it can also cause digestive upset. Most erythritol is derived from corn, so ensure you use a brand that is non-GMO.

Or can you go sugar-free entirely?

Sign up for the Wellness Warriors Sugar Detox right here and get started!

And if you're not ready to give up sugar, please consider dropping artificial sweeteners from your life. You have nothing to lose and only better health and a younger stronger body to gain.

Michal Ofer