Food Freedom Friday Edition 226 - Erythritol

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, a type of carbohydrate that is often used as a sugar substitute. Erythritol is naturally occurring and you’ve most likely ingested erythritol before if you’ve ever eaten fruits like grapes, melons or pears or any other type of food derived from fermentation. It can also be found in wine, beer and cheese when they are allowed to ferment.

Besides the naturally occurring form, erythritol has also been man-made for use as an artificial sweetener since 1990. It is often found combined with other popular artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or stevia to help make food and beverages taste sweeter without the negative effects of table sugar.

Erythritol acts as a sugar substitute in cases where people may not want to use table sugar for a variety of health reasons, including weight management. Being a sugar alcohol means that the molecular structure of erythritol is a hybrid of sugar and alcohol molecules

Erythritol is a popular substitute because it is considered it a relatively healthy and safe alternative to sugar. It contains zero calories per gram, whereas regular sugar contains about four calories per gram. Over the admittedly short period that erythritol has been on the market, researchers have conducted several studies on the effect the sweetener may have on both animals and humans.

What Are Sugar Alcohols?

Sugar alcohols are classified as a group of sweet tasting carbohydrates. Despite their name, sugar alcohols do not contain ethanol, which is the specific substance in alcoholic drinks that can cause intoxication. Some sugar alcohols are found naturally in fruits and vegetables, but most of them are processed from other sugars. Sugar alcohols have a similar molecular structure to sugar, which causes it to activate receptors on the tongue that recognize sweet tastes, which is what makes them such a common substitute to table sugar.

There are a number of common sugar alcohols including:

·       Xylitol

·       Sorbitol

·       Maltitol

·       Lactitol

·  Mannitol

One of the reasons these substitutes are so common is because most of them do not cause a noticeable effect blood sugar levels. However, there is a notable exception—maltitol, which has a glycemic index of 36. However, this is still much lower than that of table sugar and refined carbohydrates. These carbohydrates don’t break down very quickly in the body, which allows most of the substance to be excreted through urine before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

What is Erythritol Made From?

Erythritol can be made from a few different sources. It is found naturally in some fruits and vegetables such as pears, grapes and melons. Erythritol is also present when fermentation occurs, such as in beer, wine or cheese. However, commercially, erythritol is most commonly made out of corn. It is derived by fermenting a simple sugar in corn called dextrose.

Erythritol vs. Other Sweeteners

You may be wondering, what is the difference between erythritol and other sugar alcohols as sugar alternatives? Is one type of sugar alcohol better or healthier than others? What about taste?

What is the Difference between Erythritol & Xylitol?

The main differences between these two have to do with taste and glycemic index rating. Xylitol is considered to be just as sweet as regular table sugar, while erythritol is a little less sweet. The flip side of this is that erythritol is lower on the glycemic scale compared to xylitol. Erythritol has a value of 1, while xylitol has a value of 12.

What is the Difference between Erythritol & Stevia?

We can contrast this by comparing erythritol to another sugar alcohol, stevia. Stevia is a sugar substitute made out of a substance found in the stevia plant. This substance is much sweeter than table sugar. By comparison, erythritol is only about 60 to 80% as sweet as regular table sugar.

Why Use Erythritol?

Erythritol is most commonly used as a sugar substitute, either by itself or in combination with other non-caloric sweeteners. Experts may recommend for those with certain health conditions or to those who simply prefer to avoid table sugar. The main benefits of erythritol include:

·       Blood sugar control

·       Diabetes 

·       Dental health

·       Ketogenic diets

Erythritol may provide many advantages over regular sugar and researchers consider it to be relatively safe.

How is Erythritol Processed in the Body?

Before we dive into its benefits, it’s important to understand how the body processes erythritol. The human body lacks the enzymes required to properly break down the majority of the erythritol it consumes. That means the body does not metabolize most of it after consumption. Instead, it is excreted in the urine unprocessed and the blood sugar remains unchanged. This occurs in most people without issues or complications.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index is a system that ranks carbohydrates from 0 to 100 based on how much they raise blood sugar levels. If a food has a high glycemic index, the body digests, absorbs and metabolizes it, which causes large fluctuations in blood sugar. If a food has a low glycemic index, on the other hand, it creates smaller fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin. These values can play a role in a patient’s risk for diabetes and heart disease. According to research, erythritol has a very low glycemic index, which means it should not cause the blood sugar spikes that regular sugar and processed carbohydrates do.


Diabetes is a condition actually characterized by high blood sugar levels. The body uses this sugar for energy with the help of a hormone called insulin, which transfers the sugar from the blood to the body’s cells. In cases of diabetes, the body either does not make enough insulin or does not use insulin efficiently, causing glucose to accumulate in the blood. 

Because foods with high glycemic index may increase the risk for diabetes, erythritol may be a potential alternative to sugar. The effects of erythritol have been studied on patients with diabetes. One study concluded that erythritol does not interfere with glucose levels in the blood, suggesting that it may be safe for diabetic patients.

While certain sugar alcohols may be potentially beneficial for patients who have diabetes, it is still important for diabetic patients to regularly check their own blood sugar levels and to communicate with their doctors in order to correctly manage the condition.

Dental Health

In the case of regular table sugar, oral bacteria break down those sugars and starches and then turn them into acids. These acids then work to wear down your enamel, which can cause cavities. The FDA has approved erythritol for its potential benefits on oral health. Instead of being broken down into acids by oral bacteria, erythritol actually inhibits the growth of oral bacteria and slows down the acid production, potentially preventing cavities and other dental problems.

Is Erythritol Keto?

Most sugar alcohols would not necessarily be considered ketogenic. Instead, experts would count them as regular carbohydrates and recommend that those following a keto diet keep them to a minimum. However, erythritol may be the exception to this rule. Erythritol is metabolized in a different way than most sugar alcohols. It is fully absorbed by the small intestine and then excreted through urine unchanged. This means that it does not affect blood glucose levels at all. Though it may be negligible, most other sugar alcohols still have some effect on blood glucose levels. Research suggests that erythritol may be keto friendly as it has zero net carbs and zero net calories when counting foods for the keto diet.

You can use erythritol in just the same way as regular sugar. Simply add it into your food or stir it into your coffee or other beverages. Granular erythritol will not dissolve in baked goods like sugar and you may need a powdered version to get the right texture. Non-caloric sweeteners  and sugar alcohols may have a discernibly different taste compared to regular sugar, so foods that you make with it may taste a bit different too.

Is Erythritol Safe?

Erythritol is safe in the amounts found in natural food sources like fruits. Even though they may be beneficial, erythritol use is not without side effects and potential consequences, specifically in abnormally high doses which may cause nausea.

Bottom Line

Though it may seem new, erythritol has been around for ages and people have been consuming it in its natural forms for decades. However, only recently have we been able to produce it ourselves for commercial use. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, meaning the body does not break it down after consumption and it does not have an impact on blood sugar levels. Erythritol and other sugar alcohols can be a very helpful tool as an alternative to regular sugar, especially for patients with diabetes and anyone else who may need to monitor their blood sugar levels.

It is generally safe to consume in natural food sources and as dietary supplements in normal doses. If consumed in excess, erythritol may cause mild side effects like nausea. However, as with all food choices, the source and manufacturing process are important – choose organic where ever possible and use moderately, as the treat it is.

Michal Ofer