Michal Ofer

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Food Freedom Friday Edition 320 - Eat More Meat

One emerging lifestyle trend seen throughout the industrialized world in recent decades is an increased preference for meatless diets. According to the most accurate statistics, at least 8% of North Americans are vegetarian. A major driver of this trend is the perception that foods like red meat and fish will negatively impact health. Many people are convincing themselves that plant-based foods can suffice when it comes to daily nutritional needs, removing all traces of meat from their diets. Unfortunately, these people may be experiencing nutrient deficiencies and suffering decreased brain volume, fatigue, and confusion. The idea that meat is inherently unhealthy is patently FALSE and, in fact, eating meat is vital for optimal health and the ability to thrive.

Meat Myths

One of the greatest and most harmful nutrition myths is that meat has little to no in a healthy diet and that all protein needs can be obtained from plant-based sources. Meat consumption is blamed for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. The true culprits in the epidemic of non-communicative disease are sugar, flour and rancid oils. The blame should be directly placed onto the overconsumption of carbohydrates like grains, sweeteners and processed foods that break down into sugar in the body.

Throughout evolution humans were primarily meat eaters. It is only within the 10,000 years that the human diet shifted, with the agricultural revolution and the cultivation of grains and legumes. Ironically, since this time, humans have decreased in stature and brain size has shrunk. With a heavily grain- and sugar-based diet, humanity is now suffering increased rates of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Furthermore, there have been alarming increases in the incidences of skin problems, heart disease, and inflammation of all kinds.

The human genome evolved and developed long before the agricultural revolution, and ancient man relied heavily on meat consumption and hunted for and ate meat voraciously. Human genes have changed less than 0.02% in the last 40,000 years meaning your body has been genetically programed for optimal functioning on a diet that includes meat, and that programming has not changed. This is one of the many reasons I choose to disagree with the anti-meat argument.

There is an exceptional amount of information available on why you should avoid eating meat. Here are some reasons why you need to:


By nature, humans are meat eaters with a body designed for its consumption and digestion. You have incisors for tearing meat, and molars for grinding it and a short digestive tract to efficiently break down and absorb the multiple nutrients meat provides. If you were meant to subsist on plant matter alone, your digestive system would be closer to that of the cow, with four stomachs and the ability to ferment cellulose in order to break down plant material.

The degenerative health conditions that are prevalent now did not exist when ancient man was living off meat, vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits. In hunter/gatherer societies, 45-65% of energy requirements were derived from animal sources. There were no chronic health conditions like heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes - the diseases that plague society today. With the introduction of grains and processed foods, these diseases began to appear at increasingly alarming rates.


Meat helps keep blood sugar levels stable due to its fat and high protein content. Steady blood sugar is critical for sustained energy and preventing type 2 diabetes, as well as other chronic diseases. Protein and fat are filling and create a feeling of satiety between meals, reducing cravings for unhealthy foods. Stabilized blood sugar also prevents mindless snacking and eating between meals. Sugar cravings are best battled by eating more meat. 


There are many nutrients in meat that are vitally important to overall health. While there are many sources of protein, meat is a great source of complete protein, containing all the amino acids your body needs, including all essential amino acids your body cannot produce.

All B vitamins are found in greater concentration in meats than in plant sources, and vitamin B-12 can only be found in animal sources. The B vitamins are especially important for mental health. Deficits in these vitamins can cause confusion, impaired senses, aggression, insomnia, weakness, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy.

Meat provides a wide variety of minerals to support the optimal functioning of your cells and tissues. For instance, it is an important source of both iron and zinc. Iron helps carry oxygen to and throughout your tissues, while zinc is required for a strong immune system, wound healing and enzyme activity within your cells. The phosphorus content of meat helps keep your bones strong, the sulfur it contains can be incorporated into new amino acids and the chromium found in meat assists in metabolizing your dietary sugars.


You have likely experienced that post-meal slump where caffeine is the only thing that can keep your head off a pillow. Grains, sugars, high glycemic fruits and vegetables and processed and refined foods are broken down into sugar that is quickly utilized or stored by the body resulting in an energy crash. Conversely, your body will utilize the protein and fats in meats for sustained, long-lasting energy. 

Another component to sustained energy and alertness is the stimulation of orexin cells in the brain. The stimulation of orexin cells is directly linked to energy expenditure and wakefulness. Studies have demonstrated that amino acids stimulate orexin cells more than any other nutrients do. Eating animal-based protein leads to burning more calories and more energy. Reduced activity in orexin cells has been linked to both weight gain and narcolepsy.

In addition, meat is one of the best sources of iron. Iron deficits put you at risk for anemia and low energy, which is why anemia is a chronic problem for vegetarians. 


People who avoid eating meat are especially vulnerable to neurotransmitter imbalances often due to the absence of meat protein, which provides all of the essential amino acids the human body needs. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that regulate functioning, including physical, cognitive, and mental performance, as well as the sleep cycle, weight, and emotional states. Meat protein provides all of the essential amino acids human bodies need. A deficiency in essential amino acids will leave one vulnerable to neurotransmitter imbalances, which can result in problems like depression, anxiety, and hyperactivity. 

Vegetarians and vegans two to three times more likely than meat eaters to suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and somatoform disorders and syndromes. Our society often relies on prescribed medication to manage many of these conditions, when the answer may be as simple as eating a juicy steak or some braised chicken thighs.


Without appropriate nutrition, all the work to build muscle and gain strength is fruitless. You would do better replacing a strength training schedule with long bouts of running. The body requires the right nutrients to achieve sufficient muscle repair and recovery to make gains.

You choose protein supplements and powders, but the best source of protein is meat. Meat also contains the vitamins and minerals necessary for muscle growth like zinc, which assists in muscle repair, and iron, which boosts energy levels and combats fatigue. Eating meat provides creatine, a nitrogen-containing compound that improves protein synthesis and provides muscles with energy, encouraging muscle gain.

Not only is meat consumption crucial to muscle growth, eating meat supports burning fat. Thanks to its protein content, meat has a high thermogenic effect. Approximately thirty percent of its calories are burned off during digestion alone. Digesting carbohydrates produces only a six to eight percent increase in energy expenditure, while digesting the protein in meat typically produces an impressive 25 to 40 percent increase.

In Conclusion

Want to know the real reason to enjoy meat? It tastes absolutely delicious. Steak off the grill, roasted chicken, tender pot roasts, long, slow braises – YUM! For many, a meal is not a meal without a delicious cut of meat at the center of it. Humans love meat, and meat loves you back with a host of important and vital health benefits. So be true to your human nature and to your taste buds. Don’t cut meat out of your life. It has way too much to offer.