Food Freedom Friday Edition 367 - Cheating On A Carnivore Diet
So many diet programs entice compliance by allowing cheat days or a cheat meal to reward sticking to the plan for a certain period of time. It follows that those following a carnivore diet, might want to do the same from time to time.
The carnivore diet does not include any foods that are not derived rom animals. Cheating on this rule can compromise the diet outcomes, especially if you are using it as a healing protocol. Side effects and consequences can include:
· Rapid Weight Gain
· Large Blood Sugar Spikes
· Increased Hunger and Cravings
· Digestion Issues
· Acne Breakouts
· Poor Mood and Increased Fatigue
The recovery process after eating non-animal foods can be relatively long and can, in some cases, compromise the outcome of the diet.
Some of the reasons you may feel you want to cheat on your carnivore diet are:
· Social Reasons - Wanting to fit in during a social situation or dinner party
· Poor Planning - Nothing left in the fridge aside from cake? That's not a valid reason to eat it!
· Impulsivity - You couldn’t stop yourself!
· Trying a local dish or trying a new delicacy during your far-flung holiday - You need to live once in a while, right?
· To embrace low-carb diets as your long-term lifestyle - You like the diet, but you feel like you won't be able to stick to it without exception once in a while.
During your first month as a carnivore, the temptation of cheating can be incredibly persistent, especially as you are still adapting to the new lifestyle and eating habits.
This initial phase comes with appetite swings and digestive problems while you enter ketosis, and your body starts to source energy from fat and proteins only. It is also an intensively healing period of time as the body no longer has to deal with inflammatory foods and is given
Ketosis is one of the reasons you feel better, more energized, and are losing body fat! Interrupting this process for one day of cheating can compromise this process, sometimes to the point that you might have to start fresh.
Moreover, as soon as you break your eating habits, it is reasonable to experience all the symptoms you went through during your first carnivore month.
Benefits Of A Cheat Day
For someone who is metabolically healthy and disease-free, having a modified carnivore diet that includes high-quality yet non-carnivore foods on occasion is harmless.
For people suffering aggressive autoimmune disorders, GI issues, and diabetes, sticking with a stricter elimination plan is likely the best approach until the issues have resolved.
If you’re just starting out on carnivore, it’s likely best to hold off on treat days until you’re fully adapted to a diet of fatty meat.
If you’re following the carnivore diet for its overall health benefits and to thrive, rather than to cure health problems, then a cheat day can have some benefits. These may be:
· Helping to break up the monotony of eating the same foods day in and day out
· Giving your digestion a break from all the meat and fat you’re consuming daily
· Jumpstarting your weight loss if you’ve been stuck at a plateau
· Help with sticking with the diet in the long term
People are more likely to adhere to diets that allow for occasional indulgences instead of those that are restrictive all the time.
Just be sure not to overdo it on your cheat day, and limit them to occasionally to avoid undoing your progress or finding yourself in the position of having to start over.
Negative Impacts Of A Cheat Day
Weight Gain
As you start the carnivore diet, your body enters ketosis, which means that it is now used to source the needed energy from fat and proteins.
As soon as you reintroduce non-carnivore foods, your body will begin storing fat as it needs to utilize carbohydrates for energy first.
Carbohydrates also encourage water retention, increasing your body weight. Lastly, don't underestimate the power of carbs to attract more carbs! You will find yourself craving them more and more!
Blood Sugar Spikes
If you’re healthy, the inevitable blood sugar spike might not be terribly problematic. However, if you swapped your lifestyle for a carnivore diet to control diabetes, blood sugar spikes can be dangerous.
Instead, avoiding cheating altogether can be a great way to manage blood sugar levels in the blood and even support managing obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Cravings & Hunger
Carbohydrates are addictive and result in cravings for more carbs. Some carnivore veterans call this a floodgate. Once opened, it might be incredibly challenging to return to a stricter eating plan.
Routine cheat days will only set you up for failure by making you resist cravings that you never completely overcome. Junk food should never be a reward for eating the best food on earth.
Digestion Issues
The body needs to adapt to the new digestion process, the high quantities of fats and proteins, and the lack of carbs and fibers. Through this period, it is not uncommon to experience constipation, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, and even vomiting.
However, once your body has adapted, the is most likely little need to ever deal with such symptoms again - unless you cheat! Cheating disrupts this renewed functioning and will bring you back to the first days of your diet! Other common conditions include gas, bloating, and an upset stomach.
Skin Issues
Many people experience skin clearing up as soon carbs and sugars are eliminated from the diet. Low-carb diet can often help to improve pimples, spots, and acne. Studies have found a connection between low-carb diets and the effects on hormones including insulin and IGF, which are the ones responsible for acne outbreaks.
After a cheat day, skin break-outs and irritation are commonplace as a result of overindulging. These issues can be easily reversed, but the quicker you get back on track, the quicker your skin will return to its back in optimal shape!
Fatigue & Mood
The relationship between food, mood, and mental well-being has been studied extensively. A sudden change in diet can, therefore, impact your outlook on life and even make you feel tired, sad, nervous, and sleepy.
Following a cheat day, the mood swings are directly related to blood sugar dysregulation and the drop in blood sugar levels after the initial spike. Instead, maintaining a regular, low-carb diet can be the key to be more mentally and emotionally stable.
Getting Back On Track
Getting back on track might take a little extra energy, but you can do it!
First of all, be aware that cravings will increase. Preparing yourself for the extra hunger and knowing that you might have to fight harder against temptations might be the best way to avoid it.
You also shouldn’t beat yourself up. Appreciate the mistake, and move on! Gently notice any negative self-talk that comes up–feelings of shame and self-contempt can amplify the desire to numb and soothe with addictive substances–high-carb foods included. Look at your next carnivore meal as a way to quickly gain back your metabolic health and mental clarity.
Starting fresh can be hard, and it is a task that will need all of your energy. Avoid looking back and prepare your fridge for your next attempt!
If you think you won't be able to stick to such a carnivore diet without having a non-carnivore treat or cheat once in a while, embrace this factor and plan for it.
· Before or after training or gym sessions
· Choose low-sugar treats
· Have a treat after a meal, when you already feel full.
· Cheat with carbs substitutes or fat
· Plan your cheat day (or half-day) in advance and stick to it
Final Thoughts
Cravings and hunger are common factors that will characterize the first month as a carnivore. While the temptation might be challenging to fight, cheating comes with an endless list of downsides that are worthy of consideration
If you’re truly adapted to a carnivore diet, it’s likely that your mind and body won’t want anything to do with junk food, so junk cravings will stop being an issue. In this case, wholesome treats are metabolically fine, psychologically harmless, and likely supportive of your carnivore journey.
Make sure that you stick to the carnivore diet for the majority of the time, plan your cheating days as well as the food you are going to have ahead will avoid temptation catching you off guard!