Food Freedom Friday Edition 264 - Managing Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone that is secreted in response to elevated blood glucose levels. It allows your body to use or store the blood sugar so that glucose levels return to normal.

In a healthy body, when blood glucose levels go up, the body responds by secreting the hormone insulin. Insulin helps to stabilize blood sugar by removing it from the bloodstream and facilitating its storage. Insulin can also help the body to use blood glucose for immediate energy. Simply put, insulin acts as a catalyst to use glucose or move it into body tissues so that it can be used at a later time.

If the glucose (sugar) is not used immediately, there are two primary storage sites: Glucose may be stored as glycogen in the skeletal muscles or in the liver. The excess sugar may also be converted into fatty acids, circulated to other parts of the body and stored as fat.

As glucose in the bloodstream is cleared away (either for immediate use or for storage), blood sugar levels return to normal. Beta cells sense this change and stop releasing insulin.

People with insulin resistance are unable to balance blood sugar when the process of converting food—specifically carbohydrates—into energy takes place.

As a result, their blood sugar levels stay elevated.

As the body tries harder and harder lower blood sugar levels, more insulin is released which makes the cells less sensitive and more resistant to its call. Over time, the pancreas is permanently damaged and other bodily functions are affected. In addition, when insulin levels are high, weight gain is more likely since a main function of insulin is fat storage.

Understanding the root cause of a problem is the first step in correcting that problem. In the case of Insulin Resistance, simply understanding that excess insulin is the root of the problem can go a long way in terms of correcting it.

If excess insulin is the problem, what do you need to do to correct it?

The simplest solution to a problem is usually the correct one. In the case of insulin resistance, the simplest solution is lower your insulin, which begs the question: how do we do that?

The absolute best way to lower insulin is to adopt a well formulated ketogenic lifestyle. For those struggling with insulin resistance, that means no lazy keto and no half-hearted efforts. You must realize that insulin resistance (IR) is a serious medical condition, and if left untreated it will progress to full-blown diabetes!

……but it doesn’t have to

Strategies to Manage Insulin Resistance

Avoid Added Sugar

This means no sugar, no hidden sugars, no artificial sweeteners, no MSG, no modified food starch, no maltodextrin, and especially no high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). If you are consuming any item that has a label, read it! The grams of sugar per serving should be less than one on most products you consume, and keto compliant foods should never have a sugar or sugar derivative in the ingredients. For IR folks, sticking primarily to whole foods (things without a label) will help you to avoid hidden and/or added sugars.

Decrease Meal Frequency

Consider implementing an intermittent fasting routine, with the full intention of moving toward extended day fasting. Decreasing the number of times you eat per day lowers the frequency and duration of circulating insulin. Start by skipping one meal and make it a true, water only fast during that period. Once you are able to do this with ease, you may be able to safely increase this to skipping two meals. You will have then progressed to eating only one meal per day (OMAD), after which you may be able to begin extending your fasts past the 24 hour period. 

Remember: There is a difference between eating low calorie and OMAD. Many people try this, but often fail to do it correctly resulting in damaging their metabolism by chronically consuming too little.

Consider Extended Day Fasting

All foods increase insulin to some degree. Eating the right foods will prevent an increase in insulin production and circulation, but it won’t do much to lower those levels. You need to periodically sustain very low levels of insulin in order give your body some relief, allowing it time to heal. Nothing does this like extended fasting.

For those who are severely insulin resistant, it may be initially be challenging to tap into stored body fat. Sometimes the liver of IR sufferers is packed with significant amounts of fat. This stored fat can take a long time to be released sending excess triglycerides back into the bloodstream, which manifest as glucose. It can also be one reason you are not seeing the weight loss you are looking for. The liver first rids itself of this unhealthy fat, and this often causes the blood sugar to temporarily rise. The result is a temporary state of excess insulin, as these glucose increases elicit a response. For this reason, it should be noted that those who are insulin resistant may have insulin secretions while fasting.

If there is any medical reason why fasting may be dangerous, please consult with your physician for further guidance.

Resist Snacking

Every time you put something in your mouth, you spike insulin. This includes things like chewing gum and mints. Yes, even if it’s sugar free! If you are drinking coffee or tea throughout the day, especially if you add anything to your cup (like sweeteners or heavy cream), you are probably spiking insulin. This may even include approved non-caloric beverages like Le Croix and Zevia. Many times, the “natural flavors” these drinks contain are made of ingredients that are anything but natural. It is generally a good idea for IR folks to avoid having anything other than plain water outside of meals.

Track Your Food

It is almost impossible to know how you are truly doing, food-wise, unless you track. Yes, it can be inconvenient, but if you want to heal, this is a fairly small price to pay. You need to not only track carbohydrates, but also keep a close eye on the actual sugars that are in the items you are consuming. Using the scan function on your preferred tracker, is an easy way to make sure you are tracking accurately.

Adequate Protein

Most IR folks cannot handle a lot of protein, especially not in one sitting, and a good number need to be eating toward the lower end of their individual protein range. Typically, more than 5-6 ounces of protein in one sitting will trigger an insulin release in those with more severe resistance. For those with IR this can mean you experience a release of insulin between 2-10 times that of someone without insulin resistance. Many with IR should also avoid highly concentrated protein sources, like whey and other protein isolates, as they tend to elicit a very high insulin response. It is important to note that there are many foods that don’t increase blood glucose that are highly insulinogenic (trigger an insulin response). Protein powders tend to fall into this category.

Increase Fat

Fat is an extremely important macronutrient, as it is the source of the vast majority if a ketogenic person’s energy intake. Generally speaking, an IR person should consume 2 times as much fat as protein, in grams, at every meal. This should result in a smaller insulin release. Too much lean protein will spike insulin, so it is important to choose fatty cuts. Adding fat to the meal, in the form of butter or other fatty condiments, should result in better satiety, allowing you to fast longer periods between meals.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar consumption helps lower circulating insulin. Taking 1-2 tablespoons in water with meals is ideal. Use a straw to avoid damage to your tooth enamel. Also ensure that the Apple Cider Vinegar you use does not contain honey or any other sweetener, and it ideally should contain “the mother.”

Eat Fermented Foods

Eating fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi may help lower insulin, providing they contain no added sugars. Be sure to watch for hidden sugars often listed under other names. Please look at the ingredients list, and not just the nutrition label.

Increase Potassium Rich Foods

An adequate level of potassium decreases the need for insulin. Getting the recommended 4,700 mg daily also helps to balance blood sugars and reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings. It should also be noted that consuming a fiber-rich diet from dark leafy greens (which are a fabulous source of potassium) also decreases the need for insulin and helps to cleanse the liver of toxins.


Exercise, if not over-done, can reduce insulin. Long walks, heavy lifting, and HIIT workouts all help to deplete stored glycogen, increase growth hormone, and help you to tap into stored body fat. The right kind of exercise, followed by adequate recovery time can significantly decrease insulin.

Sleep More, Sleep Better

Sleep helps to lower insulin, and helps the body to use its stored fat as energy. When you fail to get adequate sleep or have poor sleep quality, insulin level rises in response to stress in the system. Focus on good sleep hygiene and give yourself 7-9 hours per night to sleep.

Reducing stress, in and of itself, helps to lower insulin. Stress increases cortisol which increases glucose, and causes a corresponding insulin response. Paying proper attention to these areas and working to remove or to reduce any underlying problems associated with sleep can have a significant impact on reducing the insulin levels that cause insulin resistance. A high quality magnesium glycinate supplement supports restful sleep. Please be sure to always check the ingredients label for ingredients that are non-compliant.


Chromium is known to lower blood sugar, and therefore decrease the need for insulin. Berberine is also supportive of blood sugar and insulin imbalances. People with insulin resistance usually also suffer from poor nutrient absorption. When the cell is closed, as a result of insulin resistance, not only can energy not enter the cell, much-needed micronutrients fail to enter too. A good quality K-2 supplement in the form of MK-7 can support in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

As always, check with your doctor or qualified professional about the suitability of any dietary supplement prior to taking them.

Insulin resistance is a serious condition that, if not managed, can result in long term health concerns and a decreased quality of life. This is all the more reason why a well-formulated, whole-foods based ketogenic protocol is ideal for IR sufferers. Every day, more and more people are developing this “silent precursor” to Type II Diabetes, and most are simply unaware of the underlying causes or any warning signs beyond fasted blood glucose numbers.

Please be encouraged, as there is hope! With a targeted Ketogenic diet, some help, and patience you can manage and even heal your insulin resistance

Michal OferComment