Food Freedom Friday Edition 237 - Keto Success Strategies
A ketogenic diet is one of the most popular weight-loss eating plans right now. It works by restricting your sugars and carbohydrates causing your body to go into a state of ketosis. When in ketosis, your body relies more on fat stores to get the energy it needs, instead of the simple sugars and carbohydrates you may have previously relied on.
This means two things for you.
The first is that you can lose significant amounts of weight as your body begins depleting fat stores.
The second is that this eating plan is going to mean quite a change from the typical North American diet.
Changes are rarely easy. If you are considering venturing down the keto path, or are a veteran on the program, there are always some great tips and reminders to keep you focused on your end goal and ensuring success on your keto journey.
It is important to understand that the Ketogenic Diet isn’t actually a diet in the conventionally thought of weight-loss sense. It is not meant to be a quick weight loss fad. It is a diet in the sense of a way of eating which can further be extrapolated to a way of life. The ketogenic diet works for weight loss putting your body in a metabolic state known as nutritional ketosis. During nutritional ketosis, the body turns to fat as a fuel source rather than carbs. The body typically has fat stores ready to burn which will lead to increased energy levels and weight loss.
Following ketogenic diet principles help to ensure your body gets the fat it needs to burn for fuel and limit carbohydrates to ensure they are not turned to glucose and ultimately stored fat.
The main benefits people experience once transitioned to a ketogenic diet include:
· Effortless fat loss
· Increased satiety and reduced cravings
· Increased energy levels
· Improved cognitive function
Strategies for Keto Success
Please keep in mind that I am not a medical professional. I am sharing what has worked for me and the hundreds of clients I have worked with. This may or may not work for you. Always seek medical advice before starting a new eating plan.
Be Prepared
The first 2 weeks of the ketogenic diet (also known as the adaption process) are crucial. Introducing more healthy fats to your diet is vital to your keto weight loss success. You are training your body to start burning fat for fuel instead of relying on a constant stream of carbohydrates. The body goes through a withdrawal of sorts as you begin detoxing from sugar and starch. You may feel sick, lacking in energy, nauseous and have sugar cravings. This is commonly known as the keto flu. This is one time to dig in your heals, maintain your resolve and keeping pushing forward. Take the “this too shall pass” frame of mind. Supplement with electrolytes (you may need way more than you think), keep chicken broth handy, take your vitamins and eat your fat.
To begin:
· Get rid of all non-keto foods in your kitchen and pantry
· Begin every morning with a Keto boosting routine by drinking water and eating a healthy breakfast such as 2 eggs, 2 bacon and an avocado.
· Keep easy to grab and eat keto snacks available. The key to kicking cravings is eating fat and protein! FAT & PROTEIN TOGETHER KEEP YOU SATIATED.
· Try out new keto recipes, MAKE A MEAL PLAN. It helps. Trust me!
Plan, plan, plan.
Beyond The Food
Your food is just the beginning. There are many ways to ensure you are maximizing the keto benefits and keeping healthy while doing it. It is important to keep your sodium, magnesium and other electrolyte levels stable and supplemented. It is also important to drink your water! It has been said that the best way to know you are drinking enough water is to drink half your weight in ounces and then another 8oz before bed.
Adding a pinch of salt to your water, along with your electrolyte supplements, will really get you accustomed to understanding your thirst.
Focus On Quality
Being on a keto diet does not give you carte blanche to compromise your food quality and eat whatever you want. Your body still needs nutrients. Your food should be nutrient dense and ‘junk’ or too many convenience foods are best avoided (this includes bars, pre-made snacks, baked goods, powders and the like). You might love your fast food cheeseburgers and the fact that, technically, you can still eat them without the bun, however if they weren’t the healthiest option for you before they STILL are not. Limit even keto approved fast food. Choose grass fed meats, butters and healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil and the like. If you are prone to digestive distress, bloating and inflammation it may be a good idea to avoid nuts, seeds and dairy even if they are on the keto approved list.
Skip The Strips
Keto strips are used to measure the level of ketones in your urine. There are far too many variables that affect this, and for this reason I often recommend skipping them all together. I have watched many clients use both urine and blood testing, the amount of inconsistency with the urine tests were crazy! If you eat from your keto meal plan or foods list without cheating and stay at or around 20 net carbs daily, YOU WILL ENTER KETOSIS. If you must have some visual confirmation use a blood test.
Stick With it
When you subject your body to drastic changes it can rebel like a ballsy teenager. Be patient. Many people report extreme bloating and even weight gain within the first week or two while the body enters ketosis and adjusts. This will subside. Keep going, you on track.
You may have seen numerous comments, articles or thoughts encouraging a cheat or non-keto treat for a special occasion or as a reward for a job well done. STOP! NO. That is not the way the ketogenic “diet” works. That may have been the case in the past for other fad diets, but, not this one. Remember keto is not a diet, it is a way of life. There is a reason for that. If you cheat, especially if it becomes a regular occurrence, you will more than likely be kicked out of ketosis and left to start all over. That means adaption, keto flu, bloating, all. over. again. You definitely want to avoid that. Furthermore, that sugar will kick start your cravings all over again. Once you are fully keto adapted (which can take up to 6 months) you may choose to indulge VERY occasionally or you may find those foods no longer appeal to you
In Summary
There are also, always, plenty of keto options and renditions of your old favorite foods.
One of the most important things about dieting is to understand what to focus on for the best results.
In general, if you are trying to lose weight, you should focus on creating a healthy lifestyle that allows you to maintain a calorie deficit. One of the best ways to do this is by following a keto diet because:
· Eating low carb forces you to eat more satiating foods. Over time, this will cause you to eat much fewer calories because you are less hungry.
· Cutting out high carb foods keeps the most palatable foods out of the diet, making it much easier to eat fewer calories.
Altogether, this explains why low carb and ketogenic diets are so effective at helping people maintain a calorie deficit and lose weight without having to struggle at all.
Using the tips discussed today will help set you on a path for your ultimate keto success!