Food Friday Edition 292 - Carnivore FAQ

You might still have some unanswered questions when it comes to the carnivore diet. Once the basics are covered, answering some of the questions I get most commonly asked, will hopefully address any doubts you might have about taking the plunge into an all-meat diet.

Will The Carnivore Diet Help With XYZ?

There is no guarantee that a Carnivore Diet is going to cure a disease or eliminate a symptom for you, but in many cases it has helped people heal when nothing else has worked. Many people with mysterious and difficult health issues have reclaimed their health using the Carnivore Diet. These issues include

·       Difficult Weight Loss and Stalled Fat Loss

·       Brain Fog and Focus Problems (ADD/ADHD)

·       Low Energy and Crashes

·       Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

·       Sleep Problems (Insomnia, Snoring, Apnea)

·       Joint Pain

·       Skin (Psoriasis, Eczema, Rosacea, Acne)

·       Neurologic issues

·       Digestion (Heart Burn/GERD, Acid Reflux, IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis)

·       Hormone Imbalances

·       Low Testosterone and Libido

·       Eating Disorders and Food Addictions

·       Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

·       Mold Illness

·       Anxiety and Panic Attacks

·       Mental Health, Depression, Mood Swings, Bipolar

·       Reproductive Health (Fertility)

·       Cardiovascular Health (High Blood Pressure)

·       Autoimmune Diseases (Arthritis, Asthma, MS, Lyme’s)

·       Migraine and Headaches

·       Histamine Intolerance

·       OCD

What About The Naysayers? 

One of the main reasons it’s important to “Know Your Why” is because there will most likely be external pressures, whether it be from family, friends, internet trolls or your doctor.

You need to have a plan for social situations.

You can tell someone you eat donuts every morning, fast food for lunch, and pizza for dinner and that you wash down with soda and top it off with ice cream, and they will have little issue or concern with what you are doing.

On the other hand, when you tell someone you aren’t eating plants and they jump down your throat.

Sadly, it’s usually not because they are actually concerned about you, rather it is to justify their own dietary positions.

You don’t need to justify yourself.

A Technique You Might Consider:

Tell those who are being judgemental that you are experimenting on this diet as a test for food allergies.

You will find most people are accepting of some experimenting and do not take it as an attack on their food choices

Those that love you will support you.

They may express concern from their limited understanding and preconceived beliefs, but they come from an area of support, love, and care. They will engage with learning more and ultimately support you in whatever you decide.

There are those who are defensive, taking your new way of eating as an attack on their way of eating and feel they need to justify themselves. They don’t care about you and really aren’t interested in understanding, but they want to justify their position to themselves. Not worth your time. Just say “you be you. I’ll be me.” Done.

Do You Need Fiber?

The need for fiber is one of the most pervasive and harmful dietary myths. We’ve been indoctrinated with the misconception that the fiber found in plants and grains is essential to our health. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

·       In fact, high fiber diets can:

·       Inhibit nutrient absorption

·       Disrupt your gut flora – leading to dysbiosis

·       Increase the risk of intestinal issues like diverticulitis and bloating

Switching to a low or no fiber diet can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health. If you find yourself hesitating to switch to a Carnivore Diet because you’re worried about constipation or gut health – don’t be.

Will The Carnivore Diet Give Me Scurvy?

The required daily intake for Vitamin C is vastly different for someone following a standard American diet and someone following a Carnivore Diet. This is due to the fact that glucose (sugar) and Vitamin C compete for absorption. What that means is if you have no sugar in your diet, you have significantly more bioavailable Vitamin C.

The Vitamin C you obtain from nutrient-dense organ meats will provide you with plenty of this essential vitamin when you don’t have a ton of sugar blocking your ability to utilize and absorb it.

Does The Carnivore Diet Put You In Ketosis? 

The answer to this is it depends. Ketosis is a metabolic state that takes place when your body shifts towards using fat as its primary source of fuel rather than carbohydrates. When your body doesn’t have any carbohydrates to burn for energy, your liver will begin oxidizing fatty acids and transforming them into molecules known as ketones, or ketone bodies, which serve as a form of energy.

Typically, one can achieve a state of ketosis in two ways: 

·       Fasting and limiting your intake of any fuel – thus forcing your body to use up your own stored fat as a source of energy

·       Consuming a diet consisting primarily of fat – forcing your body to rely on fat rather than carbs

Obviously consuming carbohydrates will quickly snap you out of ketosis. But too much protein can also shift your body out of a state of ketosis depending on your insulin sensitivity (protein requires insulin too)

Whether or not you enter a ketogenic state while following a carnivore diet will depend on exactly how much fat and protein you’re consuming along with where you are on your personal health journey. This can be a point of confusion between the carnivore diet and the ketogenic diet, and thr differences are worth discussing.

What Is The Difference Between The Carnivore Diet and The Ketogenic Diet?

The carnivore diet is more restrictive and quite simple compared to the ketogenic diet. The carnivore diet focuses solely on eliminating all food sources that are not directly animal-based. 

A true and well formulated ketogenic diet, on the other hand, emphasizes the reduction of carbohydrates, the consumption of fat from both animal sources, and plant sources like coconuts, avocados, and olive oil. The ketogenic diet has clear guidelines tracking and limiting the consumption of macronutrients depending on your current goals, needs and concerns.

While there can be some overlap between the two diets, and you will likely enter ketosis at times while following the carnivore diet, there is a distinct difference between these two ways of eating. Carnivore focuses simply on meat, whilst keto focuses all foods that are low in carbohydrate. 

Is The Carnivore Diet A Fad?

Definitely not! The carnivore diet is not something new and definitely not a fad. It is a way of eating that brings you back to your ancestral roots – back to the way your body has been designed to function and flourish.

Both the science and personal testimonials touting the transformative power of the Carnivore Diet is growing exponentially. You can be confident that the Carnivore Diet is here to stay and will only grow in popularity as more and more people tap into the ancient wisdom of how the body is designed to be fueled.

Can I Drink Coffee & Tea?

As with many things in the nuanced world of nutrition, it depends. While technically coffee and tea are not animal products and thus not permitted on the Carnivore Diet, it will depend largely on exactly how your body responds to these beverages. Coffee and tea can be pro-inflammatory and can lead to digestive issues like leaky gut syndrome.

It may take some trial and error to figure out what the amount and frequency of coffee and/or tea are right for your body. When switching to the carnivore diet, it may be a good idea to entirely eliminate coffee and tea and slowly add them back in to see how you feel. 

Are Dairy & Eggs Allowed?

Again, the answer is, it depends. Eggs and dairy tend to fall into a gray area when it comes to the Carnivore Diet. Technically things like eggs, butter, milk, cheese, and yogurt come from animal sources and are admissible. 

The problem is, however, that both dairy and eggs can be common allergens and are often pro-inflammatory. Anywhere from 1-3% of the population is allergic to egg whites and a much larger percentage of the population is intolerant to dairy. For this reason, many carnivore dieters limit or omit most egg and dairy products.

Again, when switching to the carnivore diet, it may be a good idea to entirely eliminate eggs and dairy and slowly add them back in to see how you feel. 

Is the Carnivore Diet Right for You?

While there is certainly no “one size fits all” diet or approach to health, it is hard to ignore the impressive and compelling benefits that have been linked to the Carnivore Diet. As the saying goes, the proof is in the (blood) pudding – the copious amounts of science along with countless personal testimonials are proof that the Carnivore Diet can be a true game-changer when it comes to your health. 

Whether you are looking to shed a few pounds, boost your energy levels, or address an underlying health condition, the Carnivore Diet is worth some experimentation. This meaty diet takes it back to the basics, powering your body with the fuel it’s designed to run on and subsequently supercharging your overall health and well-being. If you are ready to take your health to the next level, then the Carnivore Diet just might be the perfect fit. 

Michal OferComment