Food Freedom Friday Edition 302 - Tips for Carnivore Success

Setting yourself up, understanding the process and keeping it really simple and not fixating on the minutiae are how on a carnivore or meat-based diet are what will allow you to process successfully and determine how this lifestyle can benefit you.

Do NOT be afraid of eating only meat. It is what humans are designed and have evolved to eat. Your kidneys are not going to explode. Your arteries will not get “clogged up” from eating bacon and you will definitely not get type 2 diabetes from only eating meat. 

Follow the simple directions so you can reap the rewards!

1.     Eat when hungry

2.     Eat meat till you are not another bite full.

3.     Eat the meat you crave & can afford.

4.     Avoid putting a sweet taste into your mouth (especially when beginning).

Be patient! It took years & perhaps decades for your health to bring you to where you are today. It will take time for your body to heal & there is no way to speed up the process.

You will make mistakes along the way because that’s what humans do. When you realize you made a mistake, learn from the experience so you avoid repeating it and move on!

When starting out the carnivore lifestyle: 

·       Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are satisfied.

·       Plan ahead so you have food available for eating each day. 

·       Clean your house out of off-plan foods if possible.

·       Throw away the scales but do take pictures and measurements if you like to do measurements. No need to count anything, unless that is your thing.

·       You may want keep a journal of how you are feeling and what all you are eating so you can refer back to it in the future.

Carnivore is a really simple way of eating:

·       Most meats can be cooked and plated in 15 minutes or less on stove top. 

·       You can cook extra food like a roast or tenderloin and eat on it for a few meals.  These are good to take to work and reheat. Cooked steak is good cold. 

·       Ground beef, eggs, or bacon are usually quick and easy to cook.

·       An air fryer and/or pressure cooker can cook even when you forgot to thaw. 

·       Cook and freeze single servings…from meat to homemade bone broth. 

·       You don’t have to do anything fancy.  It is perfectly fine to eat the same thing every day and be both happy and satisfied but feel free to try different foods. 

·       Avoid trigger foods, or the taste of sweet, especially if you are a carb or sugar addict.

·       Have homemade bone broth and easy animal-based foods on hand, like butter, cheese, bacon, left over meats, eggs.

·       Take good electrolytes to help with adjusting in the beginning.

·       Get lots of rest (try to plan some time off of many activities or work if possible starting out).

·       Get a coach and establish a support system if you can

Keep it easy

Carnivore = Easy!

The meaning of a carnivore lifestyle is easy! It should be the easiest lifestyle you will ever find! To make it the very easiest, plan your meals, buy your foods, and enjoy everything you put in your mouth! It’s a dream come true! You may even wonder why you had not always known how to eat this way!

If others ridicule your lifestyle choices, be prepared with letting them know that this is how you choose to eat and the way that makes you feel your very best. If they try to tempt you to eat junk food, let them know that it will make you sick to eat those foods. Tell them that your body did not feel well when you used to eat carb laden foods. Explain exactly how they made you feel. Sharing the lifestyle with others just might help to bring them around to a healthier choice too! 

In the grocery store 

·       Plan your meals to the best of your ability, and stick to your plan! Shopping is SO simple!!

·       Skip all aisles except meat and dairy and maybe cleaning aisles


When going to a social situation such as a celebration or holiday meal, plan, plan, plan! You may choose to eat some meat before going so that you will not be tempted by less than optimal foods. Another idea is to bring a lovely meaty dish so share and one that you can enjoy as well, or a meat/cheese tray perhaps.


Cook your meat however you enjoy it cooked. Understand that your tastes and preferences may change as you go along, such as if you like it more well-done in the beginning, you may find that you like it closer to rare in later months. Tastes seem to change as you go throughout your journey, but you will be able to determine when you need to change something. This also applies to the types of meat you are eating – eat what your body is telling you it wants. Slow cookers are amazing as well as grills, air fryers, waffle irons, egg steamers, instant pots, etc.


The best way to deal with cravings is to be sure to eat enough meat/fat to keep you satisfied during your meals. It is important to keep your trigger foods or those you crave out of your home or out of our sight if you cannot get them out of your home because others in your family are eating them. The longer you are following a carnivore lifestyle, the easier the cravings are to deal with. They basically just go away if you are eating sufficient meat and fat at your mealtimes.

Meat is the answer to food addiction and any cravings. If you crave something to eat, eat meat. If you are not hungry enough for meat, then it isn’t true hunger. Listening to the body is again so important. Cravings subside with time and lots of meat! Eat meat when hungry, drink water when thirsty!


When starting out on your carnivore lifestyle, fatigue can be expected. It is not something that is impossible to work through but does happen as the body is adjusting to the physiological changes of utilizing fat and ketones for energy as opposed to sugar. Rest is so important, not only in the beginning of a carnivore lifestyle but throughout the entire journey. Listening to your body is something very much needed for when to nourish, when to rest and when to move. 


Gout is caused by too much sugar, not too much meat. You might experience increased symptoms of gout when first starting out on this way of life but these will eventually subside as the body heals and rids itself of oxalates and inflammation. 

Hypertension and weight loss

These conditions all go hand in hand. Losing weight helps with sleep and hypertension and eating meat and fats helps with all three. It can take some time, even 90 days or more to begin to notice shifts and changes. Work with your healthcare provider to slowly reduce medications of and when necessary. Sustained and prolonged healing take time – be patient.


For sleep, along with eating your meat and fat, using a pair of blue-blocking pair of glasses can help the body prepare for restful and restorative sleep. Blue-blocking glasses help to reduce blue light so plentiful in the modern environment (from devices and artificial lighting), especially in the evening. You can find options for day use whilst using your computer or watching TV (many prescription glasses offer this option too) or for evening use when it is darker outside.

Additionally, eating meat/fat helps the body to heal, and whilst healing, sleep happens naturally and sleep further encourages healing. Give your body time to heal and you will be amazed! 

ANY intentional dietary change is a step in the right direction and has great power. Implementing a few simple strategies and creating the right mindset will give you the support you need to realize levels of wellness you may not have believed possible!

Michal OferComment