Nutrition & Wellness Thoughts
Meat, eggs and animal organs are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.
Bone broth is loaded in collagen and helps repair the gut so you can heal from the inside out.
Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease, insulin resistance does.
Your ratio of triglycerides to HDL is a great indicator of mortality risk; the lower the better.
Protein is the most metabolically active macronutrient and it isn’t bad for your kidneys.
There isn’t quality evidence to show that dietary cholesterol impacts the cholesterol in your blood.
There is even less evidence to support that total cholesterol is bad for your health since it’s inversely correlated to mortality risk.
Walking before and after meals is a great way to improve digestion and reduce blood sugar spikes
Fiber is the last thing you need if you have IBS or diverticulitis.
Dairy is great for your health and its saturated fat intake is inversely correlated to heart disease.
Most nutritional recommendations were introduced based on profit margins, not health outcomes
Calories in and calories out is all that matter, but some calories make you hungrier (sugar/grains). Other calories (protein) help you burn more calories.
Multi grain just means they took 2+ different terrible sources of grain and put them together into one product
Cereal and bread for breakfast will spike your blood sugar and have you starving before lunch. Try Greek yogurt or eggs instead.
“Intuitive eating” and “listen to your body” makes no sense considering 88% of people are metabolically unhealthy and addicted to food. No one would say “intuitive crack use”
Eating is a stress on your body; The less often you can eat, the healthier you’ll be.
Plan your meals around the protein source (with its natural fat) and add a small side of carbs if needed.
Eating for satiety is more important than relying constantly on willpower. Find filling foods and avoid foods with addictive properties (ultraprocessed)
You don’t have to know how to cook. Grill a meat, sauté a green vegetable, bake a potato. Mix and match a million ways.
Eating many of the same foods every week isn’t perfectly optimal but it’s likely your best path to consistency and therefore success
Becoming more insulin sensitive should be the focus of any health-related nutrition plan
Salad dressings are one of the worst things you can eat for your health. High in calories and inflammatory industrial oils.
Eating 5x per day won’t boost your metabolism. If you are trying to gain weight, it’s an excellent strategy
Bacon can be healthy, just avoid the processing with nitrates
Cottage cheese and Greek yogurt are two of the best sources of protein per calorie
Carbs are beneficial around a workout. But many sources of carbs are processed and easily overeaten. Focus on single ingredient foods.
You can’t be healthy at any size no matter what your mother or liberal arts professor said
Eat a high protein meal before attending social events that are filled with junk food
If eating out, order the food with the highest protein content
The #1 reason people fail is that they don’t prepare. Meal prep, meal plan, have ready to eat protein sources.
The food you eat directly impacts your mental health and processed foods are correlated with depression and mental illness
Processed foods have been engineered to be as addicting as possible. Your taste buds can be retrained with natural sources.
“Plant-based” foods are made in laboratories and are an easy way to sell overpriced junk to consumers at high margin
Eating 1 gram of protein per lb of ideal body weight daily will do more for your body composition than spending 30 minutes on the treadmill.
When in doubt, if it comes from the center aisles of the grocery store or has more than 3 ingredients, it’s not good for you
Many foods labeled as “keto” “paleo” or “high protein” are far from meeting the intended definition.
Your gut is responsible for 70% of your immune system; feeding it sugar and other inflammatory foods is making you sick now and later
Genetics play a role but over 90% of the country has a resting metabolism within 500 calories daily. Being fit is possible for everyone.
Flipping the food pyramid upside down is closer to healthy eating than the traditional suggestions
Eliminating drinking your calories is the first change to make when trying to improve your health.