Food Freedom Friday Edition 253 - Energy Boost

Unfortunately, in our modern world, most people try to increase their energy with stimulants – coffee, energy drinks, energy shots, and whatever the latest popular energy boosting product is. These might give you a quick burst of energy, but you’ll slowly (or not) come crashing down again, sometimes feeling even worse than before. The questions becomes how do you increase your energy so it’s sustained at a high level all day long?

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 252 - Net Carbs

Net carbs, also known as digestible carbohydrates, is a term given to those carbohydrates that can be absorbed by the body. These include both simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates contain one or two sugar units linked together (think fruits, vegetables, milk and honey). Complex carbohydrates contain many sugar units linked together (as in potatoes, rice and bread).

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Michal OferComment
Salad Dressings

If you are looking for sneaky sugars and hidden carbs that cause weight loss stalls, they are often found lurking in salad dressings, marinades and condiments. But you can make your own at home with ingredients you probably have on hand.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 251 - Sticking To it

The simple key to effective weight loss and maintenance revolves around automatically reducing your appetite, not by white knuckling it and starving yourself but by fixing the imbalanced hormones and brain chemistry that drive hunger and overeating. This in turn allows your metabolism to work effectively, burning energy consistently through the day.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 250 - Digestive Supplements

You might eat with the intention that what goes into your mouth will end up in your body. You break your food down into nutrients, and then absorb them to use for all the things you need. Unfortunately, a lot can go wrong between the eating and the getting the nutrients part of this process and a little help may, or may not be necessary…

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 249 - Carb Cycling 101

While the standard ketogenic diet can help with weight loss, some speculate that building muscle and increasing strength on keto can be challenging and athletes sometimes report lack of energy or an inability to recover efficiently from strenuous workouts. While these claims are not backed by research, for those concerned or simply unable to commit to going full keto, the cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) may be the answer.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 246 - Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are essential for healthy digestion and a healthy body. They work with other chemicals in the body, such as stomach acid and bile, to help break down food into molecules for a wide range of bodily functions. Carbohydrates, for instance, are needed for energy, while protein is necessary to build and repair muscle, among other functions. But they must be converted into forms that can be absorbed and utilized by your body.

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