5 Steps To Stay Healthy In Times Of Stress
This week on the podcast, we want to let our listeners know we wish them well and hope all are keeping safe and healthy during this time of the Coronavirus outbreak.
We all experience stress and anxiety on occasion (some of us more than others as our personality predisposition), but there are situations in our life that can raise our stress levels, such as a divorce, death of a loved one, challenges at work or a job loss, unexpected health diagnoses or simply doing too much and trying to be superhuman day in day out. Often, we might turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with our emotions, such as drinking, smoking, avoiding exercise, overworking or overeating unhealthy comfort foods or sugary treats.
During this global COVID-19 outbreak where our everyday lives are disrupted, we can also feel a sense of ongoing anxiety from the unknowingness of what the future holds for ourselves and our loved ones. While we can recognize lives aren’t always predictable, we can still take our health and wellness into our own hands and a few simple steps to manage our mindset to get through times of uncertainty, overwhelming stress and anxiety.
After listening, share your own challenges and ways you’re navigating this situation in our Wellness Warriors Radio Community Facebook Group – we’re here to support you!
Links to Resources:
Setting Healthy Goals Workbook – download your FREE copy at bit.ly/wwrgoalsworkbook
Wellness Warriors Anytime Reset Program. 7 Steps. 21 Days. Success. Simply.
Buy now at https:/bit.ly/wwranytimereset
Become a Health Coach!
We have the best job in the world! Interested in studying health and nutrition and doing what we do? Check out the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program at bit.ly/wellnesswarriorsiin
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Connect with Beth:
Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching
Website: www.myhealthytransitions.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/myhealthytransitions
Connect with Michal:
Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness
Website: www.michalofer.com