Holistic Health Advocacy

This week on the podcast, Beth welcomes a through-provoking guest, Jonathan Posey, the Executive and Policy Director for the Council of Holistic Health Educators. He brings over 15 years of experience in lobbying, public policy, and advocacy in food and consumer safety. Jonathan began his career on Capitol Hill then moving to the private sector as a lobbyist, representing food and consumer safety firms. Recognizing the need for an organization that exclusively represented the interests of the holistic health and nutrition community, Jonathan created a coalition of like-minded holistic schools to protect the practice of holistic health. 

This coalition grew to become the Council of Holistic Health Educators.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why health advocacy should matter to you and your pursuit of optimal wellbeing

  • What is scope of practice and how does it varies per profession and state-to-state

  • What is a holistic health credential and how does it impact the field of healthcare?

  • How to recognize a credible health professional that meets your individual needs

  • Is there a way to balance consumer safety with access to holistic health services?

  • The challenge of expanding access to holistic health providers for all individuals as a matter of health equity

  • What it takes to change a piece of legislation

  • One simple thing you can do today to advocate for your health as a Wellness Warrior

Our mission is to cultivate a community or support and engagement amongst our tribe of Wellness Warriors. After listening, please share you experience or questions about this topic in our Wellness Warriors Facebook Group!  We love connecting with you.

Related WWR Episodes:

WWR EP22:  Advocating for Your Health with Darrell Rogers

Connect with The Council of Holistic Health Educators:

Website:  www.holisticcouncil.org 

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Connect with Beth:

Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching



Connect with Michal:

Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness



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