Food Freedom Friday Edition 265 - A Case For Meat

Meat, you might have heard, is associated with obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of cancers. For people who care about their health, it can be easy to internalize these messages and begin viewing meat consumption as an unnecessary and harmful vice. Before you throw out your steak knives, consider the case for eating meat for optimum health and longevity.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 264 - Managing Insulin Resistance

When blood glucose levels go up, the body responds by secreting the hormone insulin. Insulin helps to stabilize blood sugar by removing it from the bloodstream and facilitating its storage. Insulin can also help the body to use blood glucose for immediate energy. Simply put, insulin acts as a catalyst to use glucose or move it into body tissues so that it can be used at a later time.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 263 - The Need For Protein

Protein is such an essential nutrient that your brain has developed specific mechanisms to increase or decrease your desire for it depending on your needs. These mechanisms are challenging to override through willpower alone and most people, if allowed, will naturally eat the right amount of protein for their specific requirements.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 262 - PUFA Problems

There is one food substance that you probably consume regularly that is far more damaging than any of the commonly feared foods, yet is still consumed on a daily basis and in enormous quantities around the world. It is so ubiquitous that even many health-conscious individuals are not even aware of.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 260 - Digestion Question

The process of digestion begins with chewing in the mouth. Food then travels to the stomach where sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid are needed to begin the process of breaking down the food. Next it travels into the duodenum, the lower part of the stomach, where pancreatic enzymes are secreted to break down proteins and fats, and where bile is secreted from the liver and gallbladder to break down fats into fatty acids.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 258 - Ditch The Vegetable Oils

The term vegetable oil is used for oils that have been extracted from seeds including canola oil, corn oil, soy oil, rapeseed oil and safflower oil. When you buy “vegetable oil” at the grocery store you are often buying a combination of these seed oils based on availability. The term vegetable oil is simply used to imply that the oils are not made of animal-based fats.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 257 - Plants: The Dark Side

Anti-nutrients are found in grains, legumes, beans, nuts, plant roots, vegetables, leaves and fruits. These are compounds that essentially protect the plants from bacterial infections and from being eaten by bugs. Since plants can’t run from predators, anti-nutrients are essentially a plant’s self-defence mechanism.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 256 - Your Food & You

A healthy relationship with food means that you can make food choices based on what you want, and what nourishes you physically and emotionally. Those choices should never be based on fear, which, unfortunately, can play a huge role in your broken relationship with food and choosing what, when and how to eat.

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Michal OferComment