Food Freedom Friday Edition 304 - Fructose Malabsorption

Fructose is a sugar that is found in fruit and gives it its sweetness. It is also a type of sugar that forms part of table sugar (sucrose) and is one of the leading industrial sweeteners in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. As with most things nutrition-based, there is much nuance and bio individuality with regards to fructose and whether it should be part of your healthy lifestyle.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 297 - Histamine

Histamine is a vital signaling molecule in the immune, digestive, and nervous systems. It is released during an immune reaction to help fight a foreign agent or allergen. You may have heard of “histamine intolerance” and are wondering what it is and how it may be impacting you and your health.

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Michal OferComment
Food Freedom Friday Edition 294 - Electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge when dissolved in your bodily fluids - blood, urine and sweat. They play a major role in how the body functions, and low or imbalanced levels can harm the body. Your main electrolytes are sodium, chloride, potassium and phosphate but magnesium, calcium and bicarbonate also play important roles.

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Michal OferComment
Food Friday Edition 292 - Carnivore FAQ

You might still have some unanswered questions when it comes to the carnivore diet. Once the basics are covered, answering some of the questions I get most commonly asked, will hopefully address any doubts you might have about taking the plunge into an all-meat diet.

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Michal OferComment